Matty Costello: Student diet on a budget
After speaking with a young GSP member who is a student (with the desire of competing at a high level) about his diet, it got me thinking back to w...
Cillein Groom: Keep the hype for when it matters
Controlling mental endurance is something I have been working on the last 12 months and have found it has made a big difference to my training and ...
Cillein Groom: Important but overlooked aspects of Strength training
As some people know as well as Strongman and Coaching I work in the Health Plus Store in Galway. I meet and talk to a lot of different people and I...
Cillein Groom: Discipline comes first - The rest will follow
The most commonly asked question I get as a Coach and as an Athlete is ‘what is the quickest way?’. Although this question has good intentions, it ...
Cillein Groom: Activities to do outside of the gym without over training
If you're like me and struggle not to train on your rest days,it can be hard to know what to do without over training. Wanting to improve oneself i...
Effective peaking - Going from 1 rep in training to 11 in comp
If you've followed my content for a long time you'd know that i'm very big into peaking effectively, it absolutely boggles my mind to see athletes...
Why powerlifters should train like a strongman
Quality of life: Anytime I've put my sole focus into powerlifting it makes me feel very lethargic and lazy, so unfit that I cant run across a road ...
Strongman training on a budget
In the last month or so I’ve taken on a handful of new online athletes that are dedicated to strongman and fairly new to the sport and the main is...
5 tips for intermediate lifters
Keep it simple: You don’t need to do anything fancy like using accommodating resistance (lifting with or against band and chains), barbell and dum...
Strength and Conditioning for GAA
When doing an S&C program that is designed to improve sports performance it's always a good idea to use bang for your buck exercises. Aim to g...